Assembly programs are interactive classes in which animal artifacts, mounts, simulations and other tools educate students about the natural wonders of our region. These indoor presentations are available in two parts: assemblies and naturalist-in-residence (NIR) programs. Assemblies are one-hour large group presentations. Residencies are more in-depth programs that begin with an assembly program followed by individual classroom workshops to further explore the assembly topic. Programs available for grades K-8 and align to current Minnesota science standards and are tailored to the needs of our teachers and schools.
For further details or to schedule a program, call Alisha Paplow at 507-662-5064.
3-R Challenge: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (Grades 3rd- 6th)
Each day, Minnesotans create the equivalent of 4.4 pounds of trash per person! That's a lot of garbage! Learn the history of garbage, how it’s changed over the years and why it’s become a modern day dilemma. Students learn how to reduce this amount by following the three R's. Find out what's actually in trash and the ways your own community recycles. Take back new ideas to improve waste reduction in your own homes and schools. Meets standards 0E., 1E., 4E.
Minnesota Wildlife (Grades K- 5th)
The wildlife of Minnesota is one of its most treasured features. A variety of habitats span Minnesota's landscape ranging from prairies and agricultural lands to rivers, wetlands, lakes, and forests. Each habitat contains an amazing diversity of critters, important for a healthy ecosystem. Learn about our wildlife heritage through slides and artifacts. Test your knowledge of wildlife identification with a round of Scrambled Animals and get up close and personal with wildlife artifacts such as skulls, pelts, tracks and scat! Meets standards: 0L., 0L., 0L.
Wild About Wetlands (Grades K- 5th)
Southwest Minnesota was once covered in wetlands, yet few people know much about this endangered ecosystem. Using slides, sounds, and animal artifacts, wetlands will come alive for your students as Prairie Ecology Bus Center staff teach about what makes a wetland a wetland, why they’re important and what kinds of strange and wonderful plants and animals call this habitat home. One lucky student will become a beaver to understand animal adaptations to a watery world. Meets standard: 2L.
Wonders of Wolves (Grades K- 8th)
From Little Red Riding Hood to the wolf reintroduction in Yellowstone, wolves capture our imaginations! Wolves have awed and inspired many, and but can instill fear, even hatred, in others. Learn about the amazing lives of these creatures through slides and wolf artifacts such as pelts, skull, tracks and more to teach your students about the wolves of Minnesota and other parts of the U.S. Become a wolf trying to locate its pack using a keen sense of smell and how wolves communicate with one another. It’s bound to be a howlin’ good time! Meets standard: 3L.
For further details or to schedule a program, call Alisha Paplow at 507-662-5064.
3-R Challenge: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (Grades 3rd- 6th)
Each day, Minnesotans create the equivalent of 4.4 pounds of trash per person! That's a lot of garbage! Learn the history of garbage, how it’s changed over the years and why it’s become a modern day dilemma. Students learn how to reduce this amount by following the three R's. Find out what's actually in trash and the ways your own community recycles. Take back new ideas to improve waste reduction in your own homes and schools. Meets standards 0E., 1E., 4E.
Minnesota Wildlife (Grades K- 5th)
The wildlife of Minnesota is one of its most treasured features. A variety of habitats span Minnesota's landscape ranging from prairies and agricultural lands to rivers, wetlands, lakes, and forests. Each habitat contains an amazing diversity of critters, important for a healthy ecosystem. Learn about our wildlife heritage through slides and artifacts. Test your knowledge of wildlife identification with a round of Scrambled Animals and get up close and personal with wildlife artifacts such as skulls, pelts, tracks and scat! Meets standards: 0L., 0L., 0L.
Wild About Wetlands (Grades K- 5th)
Southwest Minnesota was once covered in wetlands, yet few people know much about this endangered ecosystem. Using slides, sounds, and animal artifacts, wetlands will come alive for your students as Prairie Ecology Bus Center staff teach about what makes a wetland a wetland, why they’re important and what kinds of strange and wonderful plants and animals call this habitat home. One lucky student will become a beaver to understand animal adaptations to a watery world. Meets standard: 2L.
Wonders of Wolves (Grades K- 8th)
From Little Red Riding Hood to the wolf reintroduction in Yellowstone, wolves capture our imaginations! Wolves have awed and inspired many, and but can instill fear, even hatred, in others. Learn about the amazing lives of these creatures through slides and wolf artifacts such as pelts, skull, tracks and more to teach your students about the wolves of Minnesota and other parts of the U.S. Become a wolf trying to locate its pack using a keen sense of smell and how wolves communicate with one another. It’s bound to be a howlin’ good time! Meets standard: 3L.